After completing a Python course out of personal curiosity during my final year of university, I discovered a strong interest in pursuing a career as a developer. Since then, I have been learning at my own pace as a self-taught developer.
An internal check-in application for hotels to use in desktop environment. It utilizes Styled Components, React Router, TanStack Query (React Query) and Vite. It communicates with its backend through Supabase API's. You can login with prefilled credentials.
My designer friend and I built this full-stack web app from scratch using langchain.js and OpenAIApi. It is a custom knowledge-based AI chatbot assistant that for hotels to answer their clients' questions using the data we provided. The data is dynamic since it is hosted online and can be changed according to the hotel's needs. It is a MERN stack project that is deployed on Vercel.
It is a front-end pizza ordering app built using React Router, Redux and React. Tailwind CSS is used for styling. I built it with Jonas Schmedtmann on his Udemy course.
It is an e-commerce and portfolio site for my carpenter client. I designed and created it using Wix and since then I've been updating it regularly.
A responsive front-end website for nature tour organization. It is visually appealing and its css is written using Scss. I built it with my lecturer Jonas Schmedtmann.
This is a React quiz application that uses only one useReducer hook. It is from my React course on Udemy. When I deployed it on Netlify I uploaded the local questions.json to in order to keep the fetching feature of the app.
I built this project as part of a course I took on Udemy. We used the MVC architecture and the Parcel bundler, but for practice, I decided to switch to Webpack. The app allows users to search for recipes, add their own recipes, and save them to their favorites. It utilizes the Food2Fork API and is built using CSS Grid and Flexbox. The application is deployed on Netlify.